The Impact of Green Human Resource Practices on Employees' Extra Role Behavior: The Moderating Role of Narcissism Green HR Practices and Employees' Behavior

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Mohsin Raza
Nisbat Ali Malik


Green Human Resource Management (GHRM) represents a set of Human Resource Management Practices being pursued by the organizations to enhance employees’ workplace in the role and extra-role behaviors and as a vital tool to be environmentally sustainable, competitive, and successful. Current literature on GHRM and its impact on employee workplace green performance and in-role behaviors have to some extent been supported empirically, but its relationship with employee non-green / extra-role behaviors remains unmapped. Data from 375 employees working in the University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, and its sub-campuses was examined using SPSS version 20. Objectively this research has explored the relationship between Green Human Resource Management (GHRM) and Employee Extra Role Behaviors including Knowledge Sharing Behavior (KSB), Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB), and Innovative Work Behavior (IWB) and examined the moderating role of Narcissism (NAR) on these relationships. Data analysis results showed that GHRM has a significant positive relationship with KSB, OCB, and IWB. The moderating role of Narcissism has also reflected a significant impact on relationships between GHRM to KSB and OCB. This research significantly contributes to the emerging concept of GHRM theoretically & contextually and provides a valuable intuition into the distinguishing features of GHRM and employee extra-role behavior including KSB, OCB, and IWB, both as a part of job roles, formal duties, and beyond. The practical and theoretical implications of the findings are discussed. Keywords: Green Human Resource Management, Narcissism, Knowledge Sharing Behavior, Organizational Citizenship Behavior, Innovative Work Behavior.

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How to Cite
Raza , M. R. ., & Malik , N. A. M. . (2020). The Impact of Green Human Resource Practices on Employees’ Extra Role Behavior: The Moderating Role of Narcissism: Green HR Practices and Employees’ Behavior. Journal of Workplace Behavior, 1(1), 17–38.


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