Precision in Learning: Harnessing Targeted Training to Unlock Talent Development

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Fatima Abrar
Muhammad Haroon
Jaweria Tariq


Organizations needs to provide continuous relevant training to their employees for long-term skills development. Employers can upskill and retrain personnel through targeted training (formal and informal learning) to fill in unique skills to reduce attrition. Talent development is very crucial, as there is a need for competent employees that provide their services in firms such as business consulting, software companies, and IT.  Due to covid-19, need of software developers at global level has boosted. Remote working even in post-pandemic period is becoming new normal as software companies are interacting globally. This study is conducted to analyse the effectiveness of targeted training in talent development. This study is based on qualitative research, in which interviews were conducted with upper management of software companies from Islamabad and Rawalpindi. Later, themes were generated and data was coded using NVIVO version 12.2 software. The results highlighted that companies need to explore skills gap, develop goals about training concerning objectives, understand needs of individual learning through cultural diversity, geographical location, specific to their knowledge, skills, expertise, learning styles, skills set, and technology access. It is concluded that targeted training is the need of the hour and one of the most efficient tactics in software companies for adopting modern development technologies, transformation in digital channels, accelerating for bridging skill gaps, increasing team performance and managing resources effectively. As this is qualitative research, so further quantitative research needed to be conducted in future with a conceptual framework to highlight importance of this new approach.

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How to Cite
Abrar, F., Haroon, M. ., & Tariq, J. (2024). Precision in Learning: Harnessing Targeted Training to Unlock Talent Development. Journal of Workplace Behavior, 5(1), 124–136.
Author Biographies

Fatima Abrar, Rawalpindi Women University, Rawalpindi, Pakistan

Fatima Abrar (PhD), is an outgoing and detail-oriented, proficient at work and maintaining professional relationships. Currently, I am serving as  an Assistant Professor in Lahore Business School, The University of Lahore, Lahore, where other major responsibilities include Team Lead OBE and Managing Editor of Journal of Business Analytics along-with teaching. Dr. Fatima served as an IPFP Fellow (Assistant Professor) in Department of  Business Administration, Rawalpindi Women University, Rawalpindi, where I designed curriculum of under-graduate and post-graduate levels. Dr. Abrar successfully completed training as an IPFP fellow (NFDP) at NAHE, HEC, Islamabad. Having an experience of +4 years as Lecturer and +6 years as an Assistant Professor and have expertise in various subjects of HRM, HRD, HR Analytics, Industrial and Organizational psychology, Organizational Behavior  (but not limited to). Good in research areas of Management, Leadership, Human  Resource Management and Interdisciplinary research such as Employer branding  and Marketing Management etc and published research work in HEC Recognized journals and also presented research papers in various national and  international conferences. Supervised MBA students in thesis with an experience  of +5 years. Expert in different softwares of research to analyze data such as  SPSS, SmartPLS, AMOS, NVIVO, Power BI, Python and Tableau etc. and  Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint). Strong Analytical skills and  possessing excellent administrative, verbal communication and written skills  along with constructive and effective teaching methods that promotes a  stimulating learning environment.

Muhammad Haroon, National University of Modern Languages (NUML) Islamabad, Pakistan.

Muhammad Haroon (PhD) is a distinguished organizational trainer and consultant with extensive experience in developing and implementing a wide range of training programs and providing process development consultancy to organizations. He holds his PhD in Management Sciences, concentrating his research on the motivational language employed by leaders in the workplace. His research interests focus on leadership and language, and organizational and human resource development. Currently, he holds the position of Assistant Professor & Head of HR and General Management Cluster in the Department of Management Sciences at the National University of Modern Languages. In this role, he teaches Human Resource specialization courses at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels and supervises students in their research projects, fostering academic growth and innovation.

Jaweria Tariq, Rawalpindi Women University, Rawalpindi, Pakistan

Jaweria Tariq is graduated from Bahria University Islamabad in Management Sciences in 2013. She has an experience of over 17 years into academia and corporate sector both. Her interests are wellbeing, leadership, mental health, human resource management, organizational behavior and entrepreneurship. Ms. Jaweria teaches at Rawalpindi Women University as a Lecturer and teaches subjects related to HRM in the Faculty of Social Sciences Department of Business Administration and supervises undergraduate students in Business Administration. She is also a PhD Scholar (Management Sciences) at NUML University Islamabad.