Political Behavior in the Public Sector of Pakistan: An Ethical Dilemma Political Behavior in the Public Sector
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Ethical education has acquired the key attention of policymakers due to recent incidences of immoral practices at both micro and macro levels in Pakistan. The developing world is already criticized due to the wide prevalence of corruption and wrongdoings. Public officials in Pakistan have been largely criticized due to growing unfair and unethical practices in their respective departments. This study sought to compare the ethical beliefs and political behavior of public officials who have studied business ethics as a course during their academic life and those who couldn’t with the help of 203 employees (n=203). Results showed significantly high differences between the two groups for both the variables under investigation. Furthermore, this study also established the missing link in the existing literature, between ethical beliefs of employees and political behavior. Discussion and findings are presented based on the results of the study. Keywords: Ethical Beliefs, Political Behavior, Influential Tactics, Pakistan, Business Ethics
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