The Impact of Leadership Styles on Work Performance and Mediating Role of Job Satisfaction in Schools of Islamabad

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Carol Tabassum
Raja Muhammad Waqas


This study was conducted to investigate the impact of two leadership styles i.e. autocratic leadership and team leadership over job satisfaction and work performance of the employees and the effect of job satisfaction itself over the work performance of employees in the educational sector. An aggregate of 140 questionnaires were distributed using google form because of the COVID situation to both academic and non-academic employees of various schools in Islamabad Federal Capital. Out of which 100 questionnaires were received back with 71% of the response rate. The data was analyzed in SPSS. Cronbach Alpha Reliability Test, Pearson Correlation, Regression Analysis Test, and Hayes Model Test were conducted. The results indicated a negative relationship between autocratic leadership and job satisfaction and with work performance, however, a significant and positive relationship between team leadership and job satisfaction, team leadership and work performance& job satisfaction and work performance exists. It was also revealed that job satisfaction played a major and significant role as a mediator having influence much more than the independent variables. Implications of the study in terms of management practices in the educational sector of Pakistan are also given. The study limitations were discussed and suggestions for future research were given. 

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How to Cite
Tabassum, C., & Muhammad Waqas, R. (2021). The Impact of Leadership Styles on Work Performance and Mediating Role of Job Satisfaction in Schools of Islamabad. Journal of Workplace Behavior, 2(2), 52–65. Retrieved from


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