Consumer Engagement with Branded Mobile Applications: The Nexus of Brand Loyalty, Perceived Quality, and Brand Evangelism

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Javeria Shabbir
Shehla Akhtar
Norazah Mohd Suki


This study aims to examine consumer engagement with branded mobile applications (apps) in terms of the impacts of brand loyalty, perceived quality, and brand evangelism. The partial least squares-structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) approach was utilized for data analysis. This study confirmed that perceived quality had a positive impact on brand loyalty in consumer engagement with branded mobile apps. Consumers would consider specific branded mobile apps as their first choice and are loyal when they are of high quality. They also believe that branded mobile apps will be functional and dependable when used. As a result, they will not download other branded mobile apps that are similar to their preferred brand that are available at the online store. Marketers should emphasize the importance of brand loyalty in fostering brand evangelism among consumers, as perceived quality influences consumer brand loyalty, resulting in an increase in branded mobile apps’ consumer brand evangelism. The future research direction is also provided.

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Shabbir, J., Akhtar, S., & Mohd Suki, N. . (2024). Consumer Engagement with Branded Mobile Applications: The Nexus of Brand Loyalty, Perceived Quality, and Brand Evangelism . Journal of Workplace Behavior, 5(2). Retrieved from


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