Impact of Work Life Balance on Organizational Commitment: Exploring the Role of Generation Differences and Supervisor Support Work life balance and Organizational Commitment: Role of generation differences and supervisor support

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Virda Anam
Jamal Khaliq


Academicians and Practitioners are giving lots of attention to the implications of work life balance and organizational commitment. Different studies suggest that there is a need to decide the mediating relationship of supervisor support within the framework that has been carried out in this study. Likewise, earlier literature suggests that there is need to investigate the effect of generation diversity should be studied on relationship of work life balance and organization commitment that has also been done in this study. The purpose of this study is to decide the influence of work life balance on organizational commitment through mediating effect of Supervisor Support. This study decides the feeling of different generations about Work life balance, Supervisor Support and Organizational Commitment. The study analyzes 360 employees of banking sector in Pakistan using Stratified random Sampling. In terms of implication this study helps in deciding the need to manage different generations and supervisor support to increase commitment level with their organization. This Study has been done in different banks, including United Bank of Limited, Zarai Taraqiati bank of limited, Faisal bank, National bank of Pakistan and Bank of Punjab there could be study done in some other banks and this study could be done in other sectors like education, medical sector. This study could be longitudinal for deciding all aspects, works and values of different generations within the context of Pakistan.

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How to Cite
Anam, V., & Khaliq, J. (2023). Impact of Work Life Balance on Organizational Commitment: Exploring the Role of Generation Differences and Supervisor Support: Work life balance and Organizational Commitment: Role of generation differences and supervisor support. Journal of Workplace Behavior, 4(2), 60–79.
Author Biographies

Virda Anam, Sir Syed CASE Institute of Technology, Islamabad Pakistan

Virda Anam graduated from Comsats University Islamabad in Management Sciences (Human Resource Management) in 2016. Her thesis title was related to work life balance and organizational commitment. Currently she is working as lecturer in management sciences in Sir Syed Case Institute of Technology. Her research area includes HR practices, knowledge management practices, and green practices.

Jamal Khaliq, Sir Syed CASE Institute of Technology, Islamabad Pakistan

Jamal Khaliq is a Phd scholar (Hamdard university Islamabad) and working as a senior Lecturer (Sir Syed Case Institute of Technology) graduated from the Master in Management program at Sir Syed CASE institute of Technology, Pakistan at the start of 2018. As part of the requirements of the degree, Jamal completed a research thesis titled “The impact of Trust, Technology Readiness and Technology Orientation on Employee’s performance in the Higher Education Institutions in Pakistan” The aim of the study was to investigate the relationship of Trust, Technology Readiness, Technology orientation and Employee productivity in Higher education sector of Pakistan.