Impact of Organizational Politics on Organization Success, Job Satisfaction and Turnover Intentions with Moderating Effect of Individual Values

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Iqra Iqbal


Organizational politics is an adverse factor that negatively affects organizational outcomes. Various empirical evidences have concluded organizational politics as averse phenomenon. A plethora of research has reported a positive relationship between organizational politics and turnover intentions and a negative relationship between job satisfaction and organizational success. However, according to recent meta analytical and systematic reviews, the relationship has varying degrees. For example the relationships between organizational politics to job satisfaction, turnover intentions and organizational success are inconsistent. The inconclusive nature of the relationship called attention of scholars to examine possible moderators.  Our study therefore, attempted to examine the role of individual values as moderator on the organizational politics to job satisfaction, turnover intentions and organizational success relationships. A sample of 318 employees from real estate organizations in twin cities of Islamabad and Rawalpindi was collected. Questionnaire survey was employed through convenience sampling technique. Standard measures were taken to control social desirability response and common method variance. Result showed strong positive relationship between organizational politics and turnover intentions and significant negative relationships between organizational politics to job satisfaction and organizational success. Moreover, individual values showed a moderating role on the organizational politics to turnover intentions, job satisfaction and organizational success relationships. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed based on the findings of the study.

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How to Cite
Iqbal , I. . (2021). Impact of Organizational Politics on Organization Success, Job Satisfaction and Turnover Intentions with Moderating Effect of Individual Values . Journal of Workplace Behavior, 2(1), 46–68. Retrieved from


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