The Journal of Workplace Behavior is a flagship journal of charisma services SMC (Pvt) Ltd. JBW publishes original empirical and theoretical research articles on a bi-annual basis. The journal primarily focuses on a wide range of topics related to management and organizational behaviors. Examples include various attitudinal and behavioral issues, HR practices, marketing strategies, human-computer interaction, career growth, work-to-life interferences, employee, groups, and organizational dynamics. JoWB is HEC Recognized Journal in the “Y” category. Authors are strongly recommended to submit papers falling under the JoWB coverage.
Current Issue
Vol. 5 No. 2 (2024): Journal of Workplace Behavior (JoWB)
The Journal of Workplace Behavior (JoWB) is a flagship journal of charisma services SMC (Pvt) Ltd and recognized in "Y" category by Higher Education Commision (HEC) of Pakistan. JoWB publishes original empirical and theoretical research articles on bi-annual basis by following a double-blind peer-review process. The journal primarily focuses on a wide range of topics related to management and organizational behaviors. Examples include various attitudinal and behavioral issues, HR practices, marketing strategies, human-computer interaction, career growth, work-to-life interferences, employee, groups, and organizational development.
JWB welcomes quality researches that meet the aims and scope of the journal and contribute both theoretically and practically. All submissions are passed through a rigorous peer-review process. The average time for the review is around two months if the paper qualifies desk review.
Scholars interested to submit papers may visit the Authors’ Guidelines.
Open Access Policy: Journal of Workplace Behavior follows open access policy. Published papers are accessible to all readers and researchers across the world without any registration or charges.
Note: There is no submission fee. Journal of Workplace Behavior (JoWB) welcomes quality submissions only. Authors are requested to go through the aims and scope before submission. Upon acceptance, authors are required to pay Rs. 50,000/- as a publication fee. whereas, international authors have to pay $500. Fee may be revised upon student request with strong reasons. Fee concession largely depends on the quality of research work.